
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Graduation Dinner.

On Tuesday the 13th of December all Yr 8 students from Glen Innes school had a graduation dinner with our parents.There was a guest speaker his name was Sione Taufa he talked about his experience through his
education days. The Yr 8 students photo's got put up on screen from when they first started school right up to 2016.  We got a certificate that was signed by the teachers and also got awards I never got an award because I never listened and went on the wrong site's during class time. I feel a little bad for not listening and g always got in trouble but people make mistakes and those mistakes we make can be fixed if we try keep out of trouble and listen..

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Web Line: I can't imagine life without.

                         Today I did my web and I wrote down all the things I wanted. 

                                       It was not that fun but it was cool .

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Whats my why.

Do what Malakai Fekitoa did. Find your why and use it!

WALT: identify and show your ‘why’
PURPOSE: to give you direction and help you achieve your goals

You will be explaining your goals and your why using any text type and mode you like.
Text type examples: creative writing, poetry, information report, film
Mode examples: Google Doc, Presentation, comic, images with a voice over, goanimate, etc!

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?       
What is your passion, talent or dream?
I want to become a DJ mixer. DDD J meex

Year 7: 2                            Year 8: 3
What is the reason why you want to achieve this?  
What is the purpose?
What is motivating you?
I want to achieve this goals because I want to make my dad and my uncle mark proud.

To make my family proud and to jam music and earn records.

The thing that is motivating me is my uncle and my dad.
What steps are needed to  be successful in your goal and to fulfill your why?
What will you do?
What values do you need?
Ask them to teach me how to mix songs together.

The things I will do is practice with my dad to get better.

The values I need are being kind , and to become a good influence


Today we are learning about enlargement. The task  we had to do was to enlarge a like this leaf I drew.
It was fun and kind of hard the things I want to learn next is to multiplying other hard numbers.
My scale factor is 11.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Tessellation patterns

 Today I learnt what is a tessellation pattern. In my group their was Tane , Huntah ,  Havea and Zain , All together we worked out the pattern and then put them in the right order. Making this tessellation pattern was kind of hard because my group was taking all the bits and pieces I needed. But at the end of the lesson we got it done. `````

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Beach poem.

                                         Yesterday in my reading group I read a poem about the beach.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Math angles

                              Today I played this game again and I got the same score as last time.
                                              Next time I want to aim to get a higher score.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Maths angles.

During the week I played this game about angles.
It was a snow board game were you do angle tricks.


Today my class went for basketball with Yaron the coach . Yaron taught the class how to pass , Coach Yaron told my class some basic rules the first one was eyes and ears when someone is talking the second one was the beef.

  1. B - Balance.
  2. E -  Eyes on the target.
  3. E -  Elbows bent.
  4. F -  Follow through.


Friday, 21 October 2016

Acrostic poem.

Walt: write an acrostic poem using alliteration

People panicked and
Anxiously agonized about the storm.
Nick noticed nightmares of angry clowns approaching.
Icebergs injured innocent people.
Cyclones collided with california.

Friday, 14 October 2016

The Beach Poem.

The beach
As waves come in The sand washes Out.
The sea shells role over As the water comes in
And pushes it further Across the surface.
Kids were running and watching the waves as they were screaming and shouting hooray.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Hover bunny

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This car looking thing is my hover bunny it is for my apple turnover for the baking I did today it was fun. My teacher told the whole class to bring in a rolling pin and a knife.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Maths at tamaki college.

Today I have learnt about
Expression- no equal sign.
Variable- letter.
Coefficient- the number just in  front of the letter.
Constant- if its a number all by itself it's a constants.

392 has to be changed to 392

The small 2 stands for square cubed.

Friday, 2 September 2016


Today this is how much points I got and its 4311. During the week we my class had to try get to the top of the leader board. My class came first then we came second then first and twelfth.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Muffin design.

In my class we had to make a pattern with muffin's I was struggling to keep the stuff on.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Dreydon and Kate

In my class we had a author Kate that came in with a man called Dreydon. Dreydon came to talk about what he needed in the hillary trail and so that we can tell them both our goals and what we want to achieve.

Dreydon came around to each table and talked about what we wanted to work towards in our goal setting.

Kate came in with Dreydon to share with us what she planed for their 80km walk. The smart thing about Dreydon and the people that did the walk to raise up money for the schools is that they all took supplies.

Dreydon and Kate

In my class we had a author Kate that came in with a man called Dreydon. Dreydon came to talk about what he needed in the hillary trail and so that we can tell them both our goals and what we want to achieve.

Dreydon came around to each table and talked about what we wanted to work towards in our goal setting.

Kate came in with Dreydon to share with us what she planed for their 80km. The smart thing about Dreydon and the people that did the walk to raise up money for the schools is that they all took supplies.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Chicken corrals

                                                 I got this right it is easy to do .

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Basic Facts

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In my maths I got 50% in stage 5. Next time I will try to get 100% I was not trying my best.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Awarua the Taniwha.

In this story their is a Taniwha that learns  how to fly by her friend Rereroa. Rereroa gives some suggestions to the Taniwha Awarua.

Awarua was a Taniwha who lived in Porirua harbor hundreds of years past. Awarua would always swim out to Te Moana o Raukawa to look for some food and then swim back to the harbor, that's her home.

Sometime’s Awarua would chat with her friend Rereroa the albatross. Awarua loves to talk and hear about the things  
Rereroa saw over the ocean.

The albatross could fly for many days. Awarua wished that she could fly and glide in the sky like Rereroa. Rereroa gives Awarua some advice on how to fly.

The Taniwha  wings are too weak so the friend suggests that she puts stones on her wings .

After all the training Rereroa taught Awarua had to give it her best and try and get into the air. Rereroa told the Taniwha to flap her wings hard and try lift up her weight so that she could get into the air.

As the Taniwha slowly gets into the air she could hear Rereroa shouting  the Taniwha new the the other side was near by.
The Taniwha was coming towards the other side of the mountain
She tried to lift up her weight, it was too late she landed down on the mountain with a thump skimming off the top as she fell into the ocean unhurt but very astonished.

When Awarua got out of the ocean she raced full speed to Rereroa with joy and excitement saying did you see me fly
And glide.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Allergies .

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Allergies can make  Sneeze go to the Doctor and make It clean.

When you run  you get puffed out you can’t breath so you look right
into the the sun's eye and sneeze where  the sun don’t shine.

Allergies I can rhyme   it with galleries when  You eat something that
you're not supposed I’ll be your doctor and give  You back to your papa.
Dust the one  that makes you  sneeze you think  you're hard but  when the dust  comes it makes you  feel sad like a hoodrat     

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Allergies poem.


When you run  you get
Puffed out you can’t
Breath so look right
into the the sun's eye
and sneeze where
the sun don’t shine.

Cookbook math game.

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In this game I had to do all the measuring I found it easy to play at first I thought it was hard but when I played it seemed easy in the game you can make different ones the one I liked the most was moon muffin.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

How to be a good egg.


I have been a meaningful child by helping my class and selling tickets.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

I'm gone big.

Walht: write an interesting and enjoyable narrative.

Success Criteria
2.Write the words for the introduction
3.Write a powerful introduction.

Huge ,  Tall , Enormous , Buildings , Cars , Trucks , Hotel   ,  Agargo . Terrified

Karl It is time for you to be a big person not a baby. I told you i’m not like you well it's getting late so you should get some sleep for the next day ok wait i’ll just play agargo.
Good night i’m terrified.

Karl wake up you slept in what is the time it's time for you to get up and get changed
Ok can you go outside so I can get changed. What is that is it a lava lamp what karl that
over their oh that it's my project for making stuff big. When are you going to show it to the world i’m not going to show it to the world where then to the school oh why couldn’t
I think of that myself.  Wow was that enormous and tall building their with the cool cars and trucks down there but those hotels are huge

Success Criteria.
  1. Explain the problem.
  2. Use powerful words.

Help ,  what happened ,  Taller ,  Humongous , Oops , Oh no
“When are you going?,,  “soon not now ok let's play with a ball then no I have to get ready Oh then i'll play by myself Karl can you help me get those stuff over their witch one that on the corner the left side oh yep. Oops what happened in their   I have to go out why what going in their nothing don't come in here wait ok bye bye. I’m big and taller than the hotels karl are you outside oh no I got to get away from here before she see’s me.

I’m gone big and humongous Karl where are you Karl . Man I should of kicked that ball outside oh why

Did I have to kick the ball. I'm gone super big and super tall I’ve got to get out of here before she sees me.

Fraction Bingo.

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Today I played fraction bingo I need to understand fractions because I was struggling to find out what the fractions was. I almost won the game but margaret won cause she got 5 in a row I just needed to get one more and then I could of won it.

Saturday, 2 April 2016


I had tried my  best to get to level 2 and I got 4 answers the last time I got 28.

Saturday, 5 March 2016


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I got 29 out of 30 so I got one wrong.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Auckland is rated.

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Auckland city is a nice place it has a nice beach that you can swim in. It even has parks where you can even have fun in and has education  multicultural schools.

Thursday, 18 February 2016


                In my maths I almost got all of them
                right I thought I got it all right but after
                I looked I did a 44 instead of a 4.